Tuesday 1 November 2011

Almost finished suggestablity. Changed book butterflies to less simplistic shape. Also added bit marks in paper.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Continued with suggestability. Just need to have the caterpillar eating through the paper to finish piece.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Continued on with Suggestability. Still need to add colour to the other butterflies and work out what to have on the background paper.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Sunday 23 October 2011

Continued on with Bias. Finished killing off flower and added in a boat with a cigarettes.

Thursday 20 October 2011


Finished editing of Misattribution. Also continued on with bias, trying to age flower.

Tuesday 18 October 2011


Started Bias today, as well as changing misattribution around.

Thinking about making Warsaw sign stick into the paper background.

Sunday 16 October 2011


Finished blocking. Added chains and stop sign, as well as "ripping" the paper so only some of the words are visible.

Thursday 13 October 2011


Continued on with blocking. Added ants in yellow. Words were chosen randomly for Tip of the Tongue reference.

Tuesday 11 October 2011


Finished misattribution. Places on sign were picked because they are nowhere near each other.
Started on blocking.

Sunday 9 October 2011


Continued work on misattribution. Still need to come up with some steet names for my sign. SOme empty areas still need to be filled.

Thursday 29 September 2011


Added candles and flames. I still need to find a way to do the smoke. I might try making less black.

Tuesday 27 September 2011


Worked more on Transience piece. Next lesson will make copies of candle and hang them upside down and attach flames.

Sunday 25 September 2011


Moved hole to under cloud. Finished piece.
Started on transience.

Thursday 22 September 2011


Almost finished Absent-mindness. Still need to darken and fade out wires. Today i moved around the cats and add some more clouds. I also fixed up the rips.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Research Task

For my Research Assignment I am looking at Amy Holmes George.
Past and Present

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Absent Mindedness

Finished hangings, still need to find some more words to type in background.

Sunday 14 August 2011


Added cards and a few cords. Still need to find something for the glasses.

Thursday 11 August 2011


Absent-mindness so far, i'm planing on pasting an image of the keys on some card.

Tuesday 9 August 2011


Today I had another look at some artists on Moca. I also had a play around with an idea i had for the Sin of Absent-mindedness. I have just start read The Seven Sins of Memory by Daniel L. Schacter.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Seven Sins of Memory

While looking at memory biases i came across the seven sins of memory

Sunday 31 July 2011

Mind Maps

Creating the mind maps was helpful adn un-helpful. It gave me lots of ideas which is a good and bad thing.

Memory Mind Map

Takes some time to load full!!

Tuesday 26 July 2011


Today i looked at different digital artists on Moca. There were a few that i liked the colours they used. Els suggested creating several mind maps on the concept of memories.

Sunday 24 July 2011


Today i had a go on audacity to work on some music to use in my memory clip. I also printed off a few more pieces to put in my folder.

Tuesday 19 July 2011


Today was dedicated to cleaning and ordering my folders. I also backed up my movie maker work on the digital art drive.

Thursday 14 July 2011


I have finished the all slides, but i still need to add sound. I finished it off by fading out the old wall with a new wall covered in wallpaper.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


Created 13 more slides and started disintergrating the photo. I still need to find some backing musci or soud.

Sunday 10 July 2011


Today i worked on adding the family photo into the wall and frame images and putting them int movie maker.  I also played around with timing a bit more. I have to remember to look for some backing noise or sound.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Memory 4

Image chosen as wall and frame

After I'ved aged it on photoshop (still disciding if i want to add more to it)

Memory 3

Looking into the idea of how memories destort over time.

Definitions for destort:
  • Pull or twist out of shape
  • Give a misleading or false account or impression of
I orginally thought about having an image of a digital camera with images, that could be scrolled across, that were destorted.  I changed my mind and decided instead to go with having an image picture in a frame hung from wall. My idea that as time passes thime picture in the frame starts to disort while the wall starts to darken & fade, and gain cracks and stains.

Memory 2

Artist that have worked with the concept of memory:

Collier Schorr - Helmet Kindling and Deer Feed (Winter) Durlangen
"The landscape is filled with relics and memories."

Mike Kelley - Educational Complex
"'Educational Complex' is a model of every school I ever went to, plus the home I grew up in, with all the parts I can’t remember left blank. They’re all combined into a new kind of structure that looks like a kind of modernist building."

Memory 1

I've chosen to do memory for my moving images assignment.

Definitions for memory:
  • the power of retaining and recalling past experience
  • The mind regarded as a store of things remembered
  • The power of the mind to remember things
  • The capacity of a substance to return to a previous state or condition after having been altered or deformed
Definitions for remember:
  • Have in or be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of (someone or something that one has seen, known, or experienced in the past)
  • recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection
  • recapture the past; indulge in memories
  • exercise, or have the power of, memory

Thursday 2 June 2011

New Background

Added a new background to blog. Not sure what i''l do for the moving images assignment. I'll definately have some thinking to do over ther holidays

Sunday 29 May 2011

Bud flash

Continued to play with flash. Figured out how to use the shape tween, with the key frames. Created a folder for the layers that made the bud open.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Flash Tutorial

So today i worked on the flash tutorial. I had a bit of trouble with the paint tool and had to move to a different computor. I made it up to creating my button

Sunday 15 May 2011


So taoday i finished on the vines and added some roses. I aslo started to work on getting the background colour right by using the colour balance and hue and saturation tools.

Tuesday 10 May 2011


Todau i worked on the bottom of the tornado and started adding vinese growing up it.

Thursday 5 May 2011


So today i started on my frozen twister. I layerd up some icles and water ripples over a tornado and pasted it into an image of a garden. I have just started to darken the sky

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Blog Background

Today finished creating a new image for the background of my blog. I added a some hills in the background. I used different tones of gray and the smudge stick filter to give a colaged effected. I also added some clouds using the liquify and glowing edges tool.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Report Review

What work have you completed?
I've completed my postcard, the photoshop skills (my sea blue eye) and photo manipuation (forest poster) images. As well as the File types, Elements & Principles of Design and the Theory / History assignment. 
How well are you doing?
I think I'm going pretty well, I've mange to complete most of my work to a standard that i'm happy with and I think I'm using photoshop fairly effectively.  
What have you enjoyed?
Definately manipulating the images on photoshop. Making up the forest image was fun, espically since it was every mouch a free chose of what we could do.  
How could you improve?
I could probably learn what a few more of the tools do.

Sunday 17 April 2011


Today I continued with my city. I added splashes into the cars, added some light onto the buildings and puddles on the side work and tennis court. I also added some more water following into the road.

Thursday 14 April 2011



Today i started on a city image. I took the paint swirls from me other image and warped it to flow down the street i laided up some river images underneith it. I crerated a rain effect using a tutorial and darkened off the sky and buildings.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Life Poster

Life Forest

Today i worked some more on my photo manipulation image. I changed the couch to a more green colour and made it a bit rougher in texture. I added in an upside down pencil container walking a long a branch, as well as a stapler which i covered in fur, gave ears and a nose. I used the cut out filter on the background a more printed effected. I took the right hand corner, deleted it, then using a image of some paper and the liquifier tool made it look like the corner had been holded over. I then pasted the whole image on to a concrete wall and started using the burning tool to add shadow.

Tuesday 5 April 2011



Today i moved my living couch into a forest. I learnt how to use the warp tool and used that on my couch to make it seem like it was standing on the ground. I added to lamps into the trees, warped them to make them appear more life like and added a layer of bark over the top.

Sunday 3 April 2011



Today continued on with my libary image. Using the liquify too a gave the impression of a face in the couch. I create some new paint brushes to use. I also had a look at a few different filters.

Thursday 31 March 2011


Finished eye today. Cleaned up the blue on the eye lid and fixed the shape of the pupil.

Sunday 27 March 2011


Today, i decided i didn't like the waterfall coming out of the eye. I spent most of my time fixing up the layers that i had created a swirl on. I also finished extending the eye around and used the patch tool for the first time to neaten it up. I sorted out the lighting on the whale and started to clean up the blue leaking out of the iris.

Thursday 24 March 2011


 Today i continued on with my eye. I didn't like where the pupil was on the page so i moved  the eye across. I start to fillin the gap that was left ong the right hand side, using the clone tool to extend the eye. I also went through  each layer earse marks that i didn't want. I also changed the whales position and fixed up the lighting around it using the dodge and burn tools.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Postcard Description

The style of my postcard is very surreal and dreamlike with some photographic components. It is collaged. It uses very soft colours, in some places almost washed-out.  It has a back, middle and foreground with a black frame. It has a good sense of depth helped by the blurring in the background and bird flying out of the frame. There is a sense of flowing and repetitious in the birds. It is a landscape image without a key focal point. The images have been scaled down to fit inside the book, and the view point is slightly diagonal leading your eye through the book. The background has a fabric like feel to it.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

File Type Sizes

Postcard size when saved as:
  • JPEG - 324KB
  • GIF - 820KB
  • PNG - 3,258KB
  • PSD - 25,569KB
  • TIF - 25,969KB

File Type

The TIFF format version of the postcard did not upload. TIFF files can be chosen to be either a lossless or lossy type. Generally lossless TIFF file have no compression meaning they are extremely high quality but have a large file size. They also can contain layers.

The PSD type file also did not upload. PSD files are the default type used in most graphic  programs. It allows layers and full editing of that image. Files are usually large. Unfortunatily if the sofware changers you may be unable to open it.

File Type

This is a PNG file type. It is a lossless compression system. Like the GIF it looks for patterns of it looks for pattern it can use to compress a file but unlike the GIF it has a huge amount of colours. It is good to use while image is still being edited.

File Type

This image is a JPEG. JPEGs are good for compressing files while still keeping high quality images. They have a full range of colours and only discard very hard to see infomation. The amount of compression is adjustable. On the  postcard you can notice a small amount of blurring in some of the smaller writing but nothing every obvious. This is a good chose for keeping a high quality without taking up to much space, so long as you don't mind lossing a small amount of detail.

File Types

This is saved as a GIF file. GIF files are a lossless save type, meaning that it doesn't get rid of any imformation, only change it for a more effective compression. GIF files have a maxium of 256 different colours that can be used, if there is a different color used the software will find a color in it's palette that is the closest match and replace the orginal colour with it. This isn't a good type for my postcard because it makes some of the colours quite blocky.

Thursday 10 March 2011


Today i continued on with my dis-figuring fashion model, as well as started a new one. I've got a large image of an eye, changed the eye colour to a deep blue and am starting to sea life through it. I've taken a whale and deleted the background using the magnetic lasso tool and feathering the edges.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Dis-fig Fashion

Today I started on the disfiguring fashion work. I found a model on a runway and start to morph her so that it started to look as if she was melded with some of her clothes. I got rid of the bridge of her sunglasses and made them seem as if they were attached to her skin. I covered parts of her necklace in skin and burned around the edges so that it look as if it was threaded through her skin. I also pushed some skin of the pedeant so that it looked like it was sinking into it. I also attached a strap to her thumb and made her feet look like they were melting into her sandels.