Sunday 17 April 2011


Today I continued with my city. I added splashes into the cars, added some light onto the buildings and puddles on the side work and tennis court. I also added some more water following into the road.

Thursday 14 April 2011



Today i started on a city image. I took the paint swirls from me other image and warped it to flow down the street i laided up some river images underneith it. I crerated a rain effect using a tutorial and darkened off the sky and buildings.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Life Poster

Life Forest

Today i worked some more on my photo manipulation image. I changed the couch to a more green colour and made it a bit rougher in texture. I added in an upside down pencil container walking a long a branch, as well as a stapler which i covered in fur, gave ears and a nose. I used the cut out filter on the background a more printed effected. I took the right hand corner, deleted it, then using a image of some paper and the liquifier tool made it look like the corner had been holded over. I then pasted the whole image on to a concrete wall and started using the burning tool to add shadow.

Tuesday 5 April 2011



Today i moved my living couch into a forest. I learnt how to use the warp tool and used that on my couch to make it seem like it was standing on the ground. I added to lamps into the trees, warped them to make them appear more life like and added a layer of bark over the top.

Sunday 3 April 2011



Today continued on with my libary image. Using the liquify too a gave the impression of a face in the couch. I create some new paint brushes to use. I also had a look at a few different filters.