Thursday 31 March 2011


Finished eye today. Cleaned up the blue on the eye lid and fixed the shape of the pupil.

Sunday 27 March 2011


Today, i decided i didn't like the waterfall coming out of the eye. I spent most of my time fixing up the layers that i had created a swirl on. I also finished extending the eye around and used the patch tool for the first time to neaten it up. I sorted out the lighting on the whale and started to clean up the blue leaking out of the iris.

Thursday 24 March 2011


 Today i continued on with my eye. I didn't like where the pupil was on the page so i moved  the eye across. I start to fillin the gap that was left ong the right hand side, using the clone tool to extend the eye. I also went through  each layer earse marks that i didn't want. I also changed the whales position and fixed up the lighting around it using the dodge and burn tools.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Postcard Description

The style of my postcard is very surreal and dreamlike with some photographic components. It is collaged. It uses very soft colours, in some places almost washed-out.  It has a back, middle and foreground with a black frame. It has a good sense of depth helped by the blurring in the background and bird flying out of the frame. There is a sense of flowing and repetitious in the birds. It is a landscape image without a key focal point. The images have been scaled down to fit inside the book, and the view point is slightly diagonal leading your eye through the book. The background has a fabric like feel to it.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

File Type Sizes

Postcard size when saved as:
  • JPEG - 324KB
  • GIF - 820KB
  • PNG - 3,258KB
  • PSD - 25,569KB
  • TIF - 25,969KB

File Type

The TIFF format version of the postcard did not upload. TIFF files can be chosen to be either a lossless or lossy type. Generally lossless TIFF file have no compression meaning they are extremely high quality but have a large file size. They also can contain layers.

The PSD type file also did not upload. PSD files are the default type used in most graphic  programs. It allows layers and full editing of that image. Files are usually large. Unfortunatily if the sofware changers you may be unable to open it.

File Type

This is a PNG file type. It is a lossless compression system. Like the GIF it looks for patterns of it looks for pattern it can use to compress a file but unlike the GIF it has a huge amount of colours. It is good to use while image is still being edited.

File Type

This image is a JPEG. JPEGs are good for compressing files while still keeping high quality images. They have a full range of colours and only discard very hard to see infomation. The amount of compression is adjustable. On the  postcard you can notice a small amount of blurring in some of the smaller writing but nothing every obvious. This is a good chose for keeping a high quality without taking up to much space, so long as you don't mind lossing a small amount of detail.

File Types

This is saved as a GIF file. GIF files are a lossless save type, meaning that it doesn't get rid of any imformation, only change it for a more effective compression. GIF files have a maxium of 256 different colours that can be used, if there is a different color used the software will find a color in it's palette that is the closest match and replace the orginal colour with it. This isn't a good type for my postcard because it makes some of the colours quite blocky.

Thursday 10 March 2011


Today i continued on with my dis-figuring fashion model, as well as started a new one. I've got a large image of an eye, changed the eye colour to a deep blue and am starting to sea life through it. I've taken a whale and deleted the background using the magnetic lasso tool and feathering the edges.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Dis-fig Fashion

Today I started on the disfiguring fashion work. I found a model on a runway and start to morph her so that it started to look as if she was melded with some of her clothes. I got rid of the bridge of her sunglasses and made them seem as if they were attached to her skin. I covered parts of her necklace in skin and burned around the edges so that it look as if it was threaded through her skin. I also pushed some skin of the pedeant so that it looked like it was sinking into it. I also attached a strap to her thumb and made her feet look like they were melting into her sandels.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Tony Oursler/ Video Art

I think that video art is another way of portaying the world. It has very much to do with movement, and either drawing the veiwer in or pushing the art out into the world.

I think Tony was trying to demonstrate some of the more hidden feelings or emotions and push them out into the world. People say eyes are the windows to the soul, aand by having just the eyes and mouths you can get right to the centre of the matter.

Tony's work was interesting but a little to creepy for my taste.

Digital Art – Postcard Journal

Today I finished covering the surfaces of the piano and faded the sheet music slightly so that so you could see the shading from the piano. I covered all my birds, expect for the large one, in writing. I also start to create the effect of water on one of my pages by fading and merging some rippling water and using the liquefy tool.
So far I have gotten an image of an open book, some swallows and a piano with half its faces covered in sheet music. What I’m trying to do is have the images I choose covered in paper looking like they’re coming out of the book. I’ve chosen to do the images coming out of the book because a lot of what I do revolves around reading. Swallows are my favourite animals, and I have a lot of fond memories of watching them with my Dad.  I play piano and the sheet music I’ve got covering it is Danny Boy, which my parents used to sing to me before I went to sleep.