Thursday 3 March 2011

Digital Art – Postcard Journal

Today I finished covering the surfaces of the piano and faded the sheet music slightly so that so you could see the shading from the piano. I covered all my birds, expect for the large one, in writing. I also start to create the effect of water on one of my pages by fading and merging some rippling water and using the liquefy tool.
So far I have gotten an image of an open book, some swallows and a piano with half its faces covered in sheet music. What I’m trying to do is have the images I choose covered in paper looking like they’re coming out of the book. I’ve chosen to do the images coming out of the book because a lot of what I do revolves around reading. Swallows are my favourite animals, and I have a lot of fond memories of watching them with my Dad.  I play piano and the sheet music I’ve got covering it is Danny Boy, which my parents used to sing to me before I went to sleep.

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